Where Are Rocket League Replays Saved? Download Folder Location
Jan 10, 2020
Where do Rocket League replay files get saves?
That's a good question, random website viewer.
I've asked myself that same question many times...
And every time, I have to Google the same question and click several different links to find an easy answer.
Well, here's your easy answer:
C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\My Games\Rocket League\TAGame\Demos
An easy answer to an easy question.
Now you know the exact location of all Rocket League replays and what folder you need to go to so you can download them.
This replay file allows you to share it wherever you'd like and whoever downloads it, can see the replay as if it where there own inside of Rocket League.
How do you use a replay file?
To use a replay file, simply place the file into the same location I shared with you above.
All you have to do now is open Rocket League, go to your replays, and find the correct replay.
Keep in mind the new replay won't have the same name as the actual file, it will have its own unique name, set by the last person to rename the file.
For example, don't look for this file name:
When you're scrolling through replays in-game:
It will have its own unique file name, so if you can't find it, you might be looking for the wrong file name.
Where can you download RLCS replay files?
Shoutout to Murty Shah for creating a Google Drive folder with all the RLCS replay files!
It's even organized by season, week, days, and teams so you can easily find what you're looking for.
Click the link down below to get access to the Google Drive folder location.
After downloading a file, simply place the replay file in the folder location I gave you at the top of this article, and from there you can go into your replays in-game and find the correct one.
That's it!
And if you want to rank up, you can take RocketChamp's FREE course on how to deal with bad teammates.
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