
50 Rocket League Tips ALL Players Need To Learn (BEGINNER to PRO) rank up Dec 11, 2020


These 50 tips are applicable to pretty much every rank so as long as you're a human who plays Rocket League, these tips will help you rank up and improve your skill.

Alright, let's get into these tips.

Tip #1: Relax

If you take one piece of advice from this article, this is it.

You just nee...

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13 SECRET Rocket League Tips For New Players rank up Dec 11, 2020


Alright so you're a new player or you've been playing Rocket League for a long time and you play like a new player which, is fine, I mean somebody's gotta fill up Gold right?

But either way, you need some Rocket League tips to make you play better.

Because you're sick of playing in Gold, Bron...

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Rocket League Cancels RLCS World Championship Due To COVID-19 game info Nov 28, 2020

Written by Noaxe

The Outbreak of Covid-19

As Coronavirus broke out around the world, our concerns about what would happen to the RLCS World Championship broke out too.

The promising battle of the NA regional champ versus whatever team came out of Europe had all of us fans ready for an int...

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Where Are Rocket League Replays Saved? Download Folder Location game info Jan 10, 2020

Where do Rocket League replay files get saves? 

That's a good question, random website viewer. 

I've asked myself that same question many times...

And every time, I have to Google the same question and click several different links to find an easy answer. 

Well, here's your easy answer:


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Why Is Rocket League So Addicting? game info Jan 07, 2020

Picture this scenario:

Its 10 minutes before midnight and you're on a hot streak winning every game of ranked with you and your buddies.

Then it hits you,


It's not something you wanted to think about but here it is creeping into your mind the later it gets...

So ...

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How I Went Up 3 Ranks In A Few Days! rank up Jan 07, 2020

When was the last time you blamed a teammate for losing a ranked game?

For me, it was the start of this season. I thought I was done getting mad at this game and smashing controllers, then the new season started.

Now, let me tell you a story of how getting mad helped me rank up.

It didn't. Not a ...

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5 Tips To Avoid Getting Scammed! trading Jan 07, 2020

Hey everyone... Rocket League prices are all over the places nowadays, so how do you know if you're being scammed out of your item's full value?

Well, I've put together a list of a few things you absolutely need to know if you are just getting into the trading scene.

The first thing to know is to ...

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The KEY To Good Spatial Awareness In Rocket League rank up Jan 07, 2020

A few days ago I joined a solo standard game with a couple teammates who turned out to be diamond 2 and it was an interesting experience...

I kept noticing they made the same mistakes over and over again.

Running into these mistakes is what inspired me to make a 2-week training course for Platinum...

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Get POWERFUL Flicks In Rocket League Using This Secret Method rank up Jan 07, 2020

Tell me if this sounds familiar...

You're defending in goal, and the opponents mess up their shot and start going back on defense.

That leaves you with the moment you've been waiting for...

The Ball Is Yours To Dribble

You let the ball land on top of your car and slowly start driving towards the...

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Psyonix Releases Surprise DLC With New McLaren 570S game info Jan 07, 2020

I never thought I'd see the day when a McLaren 570S would be driving around in Rocket League.

But sure enough, last night at The Game Awards 2018, Psyonix decided to surprise us with a brand new DLC and access to a brand new car, the McLaren 570S.

It's fully modeled after the real car and looks ju...

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3 EASY Ways To Score In Rocket League rank up Jan 07, 2020

<strong>Do you suck at Rocket League?</strong>

I do.

And if you suck, then you're in luck.

Because I've put together 3 EASY techniques you can use to score a goal in your next Rocket League match.

These techniques will get you hyped to easily score on your opponents.

So if you want to score som...

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How To Rank Up In Season 13! rank up Dec 15, 2019

So you wanna rank up in season 13 without pulling all your hair out and looking like Vin Diesel.

Well, I don’t know if that’s possible, because Psyonix just really likes to fuck with us every new season with a soft reset.

So throw away all your shampoo and conditioner, cuz you won’t need it anym...

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